Estimated Delivery Dates

Shipping your items on time is very important to us. An Estimated Delivery Date is based on several factors that include item availability, order processing time, the shipping method selected, and the final shipping destination address.

Estimated Ship Date is provided to you during the Checkout process, as well as in your Order Confirmation email and Order History. Please note that Estimated Ship Dates are estimates only, and are not guaranteed. Due to many factors, Estimated Ship Dates can also change between the time you place the order and receive an order confirmation. We do our best to provide accurate estimates and provide you with several other resources for tracking your order, such as order detail and tracking links.

Estimated Delivery Date = Availability + Processing Time + Shipping Time

To calculate your delivery estimate, simply take the time called out in the "Availability" section on the product detail page ("Availability: In Stock-Leaves warehouse in..." or what we prefer as "Order Processing Time") and add the time it takes a package to travel from our facilities to your destination address, based on the shipping method you have selected. In stock items normally ship in 1-2 business days following receipt of your order. Shipping time is defined as business days (Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays within the United States). Note that orders received after 9:00 PM EST in the distribution system will begin processing the following business day.

For more information about the shipping options you have, visit our Shipping Methods & Costs page. If you'd like to learn more about tracking your order, visit our Tracking Your Order page.