Nautica X
Discover how Nautica
is partnering with
Oceana to protect the
world's oceans.

Wash less frequently at home with
cold water and eco-friendly
detergents. Line dry.
Fact: ENERGY STAR® clothes
washers use 35% less water and 20%
less energy than standard washers*
*According to Energy Saver
Donate clothes you have outgrown instead of
throwing them away.
Fact: In 2018, 17 million tons of textile waste
ended up in U.S. landfills.*
Fact: At Nautica, we donate accessories,
apparel, books, furniture, and props to Housing
Works, as well as reuse samples within the office
for inspiration, reference, and styling.
*According to Environmental Protection Agency
Sew on patches, reattach buttons,
and stitch split seams to give your
clothes a refresh.
Fact: The average American
throws out about 82 pounds of
textile waste per year.*
*According to Take Part
Give clothes another life by selling them
online or to consignment shops.
Fact: Resale is currently a
$24 billion industry, projected to jump to
$51 billion by 2023.*
Fact: We shop vintage, too. Our team
scours vintage stores for heritage product
that inspire our Reissue collection.
*According to Forbes

Oceana's mission is to reduce the production of single-use
plastics and restore our oceans to the rich, healthy, and
abundant environments they once were.
Find out how Nautica and Oceana are working together to
help protect our oceans, including more Sustainably Crafted
product collaborations through 2022.

Discover people & organizations who are making
waves that inspire us to learn, explore, and
act to make positive change.